Dylan Contest Answers

Oct 27, 2003 13:53

1. 1966
2. Zimmerman
3. "Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35"
4. Donovan
5. "To Sing For You"

zimbra1006 got the first 3 without Googling, lost a point for not following instructions and gained a point back for moving my car.

moobie got 3 right, and while not answering as quickly as zimbra1006, upon closer inspection, I did ask for the *exact* title in question number 3, and zimbra1006 used the word "and" rather than the "&" sign which is what is printed on the CD. moobie got it right.

Since this is such a nitpicky thing, I am going to consider it a tie.

Here's the tie breaker question for zimbra1006 and moobie only:

Without looking it up, tell me off the top of your head the exact day in 1966 when "Blonde On Blonde" was released in the US. If no one gets the exact day, whoever is closest wins.

And skeletorscholar, the song you are thinking of is called "Subterranean Homesick Blues" which opens the movie and is sung by Dylan himself. The video concept was copied by INXS, although U2 may have also done the same thing. If so, I haven't seen it.

quiz, dylan

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