His Majestic Sunset

Sep 26, 2013 16:11

Track #3: Big Cinnamon


In addition to being the 2nd track from our "Big Cinnamon" album, yesterday's song "Family Drugs" also appears on the International Pop Overthrow Vol. 16 compilation. International Pop Overthrow founder David Bash has always been very supportive of Agony Aunts; one of the highlights of our short career was when he invited us to play the 2011 Liverpool IPO Festival at the world famous Cavern Club. We were able to book several other shows around it, and while we were on tour in the UK we spent an inordinate amount of the time singing little snippets to each other, such as this one. More often than not, snippets live out their lives as snippets, but occasionally they blossom into full-length songs. Let's return to the interview format, since this is another composition that I didn't have a full understanding of until today.

1. I recall that the chorus lyric about being a very good guest dates back to our 2011 tour of the UK. Please elaborate on that.

Kaiser Buttonwillow: I was trying to be a very good guest, that is true...it was in Brighton at 4 in the morning, waking up all jet-lagged and trying to shower and brush teeth without waking the hosts, so that was the little tune that was running through my head during all that. But then J-space heard that snippet and turned it into something much deeper, which -- I think that is what you are leading to with question 2.

2. My sources tell me that much of this song is a true story about someone we all know. Is this something you want to talk about in public?

Johnny the Space Commander: "Big Cinnamon" is about those people in your life you go out of your way to help...do whatever you can for and they just never seem to get it right. And worst of all not only are they never getting ahead or moving forward but you start slowly getting sucked into their hell. Is this song about a Particular person? Yes...maybe a composite of a few people. Big Cinnamon is sooo many things. He is the guy who can't get his shit together, he's the entitlement, ego, pride, sloth etc inside the guy not getting his shit together. He is the drugs the guy who can get his shit together is doing. Shall I go on?

KB: The key line is "Juvenile Politics": the fact that unwanted guests usually inflict their dumb values on you, beyond just taking up your space. It's kind of more about the devil on your shoulder than the devil you don't.

JtSC: No it's not. It has nothing to do with that at all. It's weird you can miss the point of a song so badly especially considering you "co-wrote it".

KB: I see the guest as a devil on the shoulder, plaguing you.

JtSC: Yeah I guess I see what you're saying. Usually devil on shoulder is more...linked to making you make bad decisions, when in this case you are trying to make GOOD and KIND decisions yet you're leading yourself into hell. So the correct little f'ing cliche you're looking for is "the road to hell is paved with good intentions".

KB: In the Book of Proverbs 6:16-19, among the verses traditionally associated with King Solomon, it states that the Lord specifically regards "six things the Lord hateth, and seven that are an abomination unto Him", namely:

A proud look
A lying tongue
Hands that shed innocent blood
A heart that devises wicked plots
Feet that are swift to run into mischief
A deceitful witness that uttereth lies
Him that soweth discord among brethren

All of that is in the song.

JtSC: LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO. None of that is quotable. Do not ever print that.

KB: I just pictured you and The Guest playing pinochle or gin at your coffee table, and him being cagey about his card playing and wearing a fedora, and you guys listening to Robin Trower. I have no skills with reading comprehension and poetic analysis, but I have great visualization skills.

3. The phrase "Big Cinnamon" - where did that come from?

JtSC: "Big Cinnamon" came from a FB blowout when someone's aunt/cousin started condemning everyone on this FB thread to hell and damnation. In an act of trolling I countered that the forces of evil were on OUR side and then proceeded to keep responding with every name of the devil I could think of, eventually reaching Big Cinnamon.........

Editor's note: There is no known prior usage of "Big Cinnamon" as a euphemism for the devil. Here are some of Johnny the Space Commander's other made-up devil aliases:

The High Sailor on the Sea of Styx
The Red Peppered Angel
His Majestic Sunset
The Persimmon Warrior
He Who Haseth Horns
The Pitch Forked Frenzied Fiend
The Maitre D of Hades
Head Chef of Evil
The Red Bandit
El Rojo Bandito
The Red Renegade
The Beasty Boy
The Burning Bunny
Ol' Red Socks
Orel Hershisher
Ole' Hooves and Horns
Evil Red Riding Hood
The Red Cat
Master of the Big Red Den

big cinnamon, liverpool, england, music, agony aunts

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