"5 Things" Meme - Also From stacyinthecity

Oct 28, 2011 16:48

Instructions: Comment to this post, and I will list five things I associate with you. They might make sense or they might be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your LJ (or just add a reply back to me). Other people (including me) can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.

5 things from stacyinthecity:

1. Climate best by government test. - This is the motto of Redwood City, the town where I live. You can learn about the history of the phrase here. Is it still true? I don't know. I don't like to devote more than 5 minutes to researching anything, and my attempts to find more recent government tests have come up empty. This is the best I could do, and it's just an editorial in Patch. Obviously, the climate has changed drastically worldwide since the supposed test approximately 100 years ago, but Redwood City still seems pretty comfortable to me. Don't get me started on the tribute bands though.

2. Birds - Yeah, birds. I haven't done much birdwatching lately. I went out every morning when I was in England in May, but not much since then. I did go see the movie version of "The Big Year" and then immediately re-read the book to see what the discrepancies were. Turns out the movie was pretty faithful except for the fact that they changed all of the characters' names and set it in present day rather than 1998. Also there were a ton of other things, but I don't want to spoil it for anyone.

3. Bikes - Biking season is coming to a close. Once it starts getting dark at 6pm, I'll have to take the train home. Remember a few posts ago about how I was going to get back to my driver's license weight by the end of biking season? I still have 3 pounds to go, and it's looking unlikely that I'll make it. I'm wondering if it's time for a new bike. I've had my current one for 8 or 9 years. If we assume that I ride an average of 10 miles every work day (I ride about about 12 miles a day for most of the season, 20 during the height of summer and 5 during the off-season, so that's my best estimate), then during my time in Redwood City I've gone about 2500 miles per year, or approximately 8750 for the 3-1/2 years I've lived here. Add that amount again for 4 years in Mountain View (since it's slightly closer to work than RC), and a much smaller amount for the time in Palo Alto and I've probably put over 20,000 miles on it, not even counting recreational riding.

4. Bigwheel - Bigwheel rarely exists these days, but when we do get together we always do something totally awesome. Here's a single we did back in February, and if you want free downloads of our old albums, you can find them here. Of course, you can follow our Facebook page, which gets absolutely no updates.

5. Chinchillas - Did you know that we have a secret chinchilla of whom we have never published a photo online? His name is Smoke Monster (Smokey for short) and we got him to be Pean's friend after Scooter died. They got along for one day and then decided that they hated each other. We thought we would probably have to give Smokey away, so we deliberately didn't take or post any photos of him. That was over a year ago. We still have him and he's still unmutual, but I think Pean (who turns 10 this month) enjoys having an enemy, and Smokey's kind of a crackpot genius, so we keep him around.

meme, british birds, redwood city, smokey, birds, chinchillas, peanut, bike, bigwheel, england, 5 questions

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