The Armless Horseman

Feb 23, 2010 12:05

Anu Bar 2/20/10
Originally uploaded by Ghostly Penguin Display. On the way to the train this morning I saw some guys on a second floor balcony dumping trash into a dumpster on the ground below. I got really excited and said "hey look - just like old England!" goldenmoonbear asked "how can you be so cheerful this early in the morning, every day?" Well, after some thought I figured out that it's no accident. I have scientifically engineered my life in such a way that seeing garbage falling from a balcony can seem like the most beautiful, grandiose thing in the world. I do this by following an extensive series of thousands of self-imposed rules and regulations. To list them all here would be impossible, but I'll try to give you the top 10 or so. I'm not saying they'll work for everyone all the time, but I firmly believe that if you follow my manifesto, you too will learn to appreciate garbage falling from the sky.

1. Eat decent food. Grow your own, or shop at farmer's markets and poncy stores like Draeger's & Whole Foods. Never skimp on things like bread, cheese, chocolate or coffee (I learned this from bohemianslacker). Even if you save a little money you will be destroying your very soul and it's not worth it.

2. Don't make a habit of driving to work unless you really, really have to. I've biked or taken the train or bus for the past 15 years, while living in 4 different places and working at 3 different jobs (not at the same time), so I know it can be done.

3. Always take the stairs, never the escalator or elevator.

4. Live within walking distance of: a poncy grocery, an independent coffee shop, a train station, a library, a park, a public gathering square, at least 5 Asian restaurants, a book store and a thrift store (I'd add record store if they still existed). It may seem unaffordable, but it's really not and it's amazing what it will do for your quality of life.

5. Constantly be tidying. I spend most of my waking hours moving things around until they look like they're in the right spots. Drawers must be pushed all the way in, blankets and pillows can only be at certain angles, paperwork must cover desk in a way that looks productive, etc.

6. Good music must be playing at all times, and playlists should be prepared in advance for all possible occasions. Here are some of mine, including theme playlists about: windows, gardens, trains, birds, insects, California, time travel, houses, kings & queens, colors, fire & smoke, months, numbers and rodents.

7. Don't answer the phone or the door, ever, unless you are expecting someone. It can only bring bad news.

8. When leaving the house, always bring a bag packed with the following items: toothbrush and dental floss, ear plugs, a wooden utensil that can function as a spoon or fork, several napkins, several quarters and small bills, reading material, writing implement, a Chico bag inside the larger bag, sunscreen, guitar picks, ibuprofen, cell phone and a USB drive of 8 or more GBs.

9. Don't get sick. You can do this with sheer willpower if you try hard enough. If you do get sick, don't admit you are sick except to get out of work.

10. Have a project to work on and another project in mind for when you finish that one. I'm working on at least 4 albums right now and some other things that I'm sure I've posted about. When you run out of projects that's when the bad thoughts and bad habits can drag you down. Again - PROJECTS.

projects, caltrain, food, music, axiety bag, rules

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