Malta Kano

Sep 24, 2003 10:44

Alan Alda is coming to my building Friday morning to interview one of our professors for Scientific American Frontiers, one of the few TV shows that I actually enjoy watching. My favorite episode is the one about Alex The Parrot. Also, another one of the professors in my building was on the space shuttle committee that recently resigned en masse. And that's the news from work, which if you're noticed, I rarely ever talk about on Live Journal.

You may remember that I caught my neighbor's cat attacking a Scrub Jay in my yard earlier this summer. Well, today I was coming back from my morning walk and I heard a huge commotion of Scrub Jays coming from my yard and I was expecting to have to chase away the cat and take another jay to Wildlife Rescue, but no, it was not a cat attack. One of the Scrub Jays had flown into my landlord's open truck window and didn't understand how to get out, and his friends and family were either laughing at him or trying to get me to help. I opened the truck door for him and he flew right out, after pretending that he knew how to get out all along and was just enjoying the truck.

Oh, speaking of jays, goldenmoonbear and I made up a whole series of really bad crow jokes that don't make any sense:

1. When a crow wants to plug in his computer and it is too far away from the outlet, what does he have to use?

2. When a crow wants to rent Sister Act 2, what format does he get it on?

3. Who is a crow's favorite old timey political writer?

4. How did the crow make a sculpture of another crow?

1. An extension corvid.
2. Cor-video.
3. Cor Vidal.
4. He corvid it out of stone.

Believe it or not, there were about 20 more that I don't remember. And our manta ray jokes are even worse.

corvids, corvid jokes, alex the parrot, birds

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