San Francisco Values

Nov 08, 2006 17:29

McNerney! Garamendi! The house! The senate maybe! Welcome back, America. What took you so long?

In local elections it looks like Mountain View is going to have a better city council too. I voted for one candidate because she promised us a high-brow downtown grocery store and if there's one issue that wins me over, that's it. (OK, she didn't really *promise*, but she did mention it.)

On to NaSoAlMo. Here's what I've posted so far:

Ghostly Penguin Display - November

1. Cedar Waxwings
2. The Amber Tambourine

Song #3 is called Wheel Of Darkness. It's a little domestic ditty about life with chinchillas. If you thought the lyrics of the first two were bad, you'll probably want to skip this one although it's my favorite of the 5 songs I've done so far this month, musically at least. I recorded it late Saturday night after my brain had already gone crazy from working in the studio all day. And when I say "studio" I mean the tiny corner of our house where we keep our Mac Mini. I originally had it ending after the harpsichord solo but Karla thought the chorus should come back again. Through the magic of Garageband cut & paste I was able to clone the 2nd chorus, move the ending a few measures down and insert the entire chorus after the solo without having to re-record a single note. That's why I love my Mac Mini.

mountain view, ghostly penguin display, election, mcnerney, mac mini, music, nasoalmo

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