Smokey Bar Yondah And Thazzah Tin Foah

Oct 05, 2005 10:13

Back to the Hawk Hill story; contrary to popular opinion, we saw exactly one hawk, and it was a Red Tailed, the kind I see every day at work. The view from up there is nice, though. Plus - the only surviving photos from the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival.

I gave in to peer pressure and put my wish list back up because Amazon claims they've learned their lesson and promises not to be Republicans anymore. (Trust me, that's the correct grammar.) I'll give them the benefit of the doubt this time. I find it interesting looking at people's wish lists because it tells something about their 2nd tier interests - as in not the stuff they want enough to go out and buy for themselves. For instance, I don't have any Robyn Hitchcock or XTC albums on my wish list because I have them all, and if a new one comes out I would get it immediately.

I'm almost ready to give up CDs altogether, as soon as I get over my fear of my computer dying and losing all my albums (894 of them are in there already, I need a bigger hard drive for the remainder.) I dowloaded the new Fiona Apple and Liz Phair albums yesterday, the first time I've downloaded new albums on the day of their release. Just in my own lifetime I've lived through records, 8 tracks, cassettes, CDs and downloads. I'm trying to think of ways to sell food and clothes through the computer so we'll never have to leave our houses again. Food is tricky, but I think clothes could be done. We need to improve hologram technology to the point that a person can look at photos of clothes on the internet and then download them into a hologram generator that they would have implanted under their skin. They could change their outfit by simply clicking a button on their arm. Of course, if we never leave our houses then there's not much point of having clothes. I think people would still buy them though, just to be cool.

Law officers lurk nearby, I bid you farewell.

robyn hitchcock, hardly strictly bluegrass, itunes, downloading clothes, birds

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