Scooter and I thank all of you for the birthday wishes. For the record, I spent mine cleaning up chinchilla poop and feeding fish mash to an egret with a little bit of
tide pooling thrown in for good measure.
My birthday photo.Scooter's birthday photo.Scooter wins.
On to a more serious topic:
Here's a letter I wrote to KaBoom headquarters after tasting their new formula. I urge all (both) of you other KaBoom fans to do the same, hence I included the addresses.
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 10:05:02 -0700
To: "Ira Herman"
From: Khoi Huynh
Subject: What happened to my KaBoom???
Dear KaBoom Headquarters,
KaBoom has been my favorite beverage for the past 3 years, dating back to the glass bottle days. I couldn't live without it. Yesterday I ventured to Draeger's in Los Altos to pick up my supply for the week. I noticed that the
label had changed, which I had been expecting. What I wasn't expecting was for it to taste completely different. Imagine my disappointment when I opened the bottle and found that the delicious, refreshing KaBoom that I know and love had been replaced by a tasteless, undrinkable substance. I checked the nutrition labels and this is what I found:
Real KaBoomNew "KaBoom" The vitamin content has significantly decreased, which could only mean one thing: *watering down*. I don't understand why you would do this. KaBoom was the best drink in the world and now it has been destroyed. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that this is the greatest tragedy in the history of mankind. This is even worse than New Coke.
I am personally responsible for buying between 5 and 10 KaBooms a week, and I promote it to everyone I know. I'm pretty sure I've been one of your best customers over the years. Ever since "the incident" yesterday, I have been traveling to various better Bay Area grocery stores and confiscating whatever classic KaBooms I can find before they are all gone. These will only last me a few weeks though. Please tell me that you will restore the original KaBoom formula or I will be forced to switch back to Red Bull and I know none of us wants to see that happen.