Mr. Wu's A Window Cleaner Now

May 19, 2005 10:39

8:45 pm, in a galaxy not far from my house.... Counting down the hours...

But even before that we get to go take care of annarama's budgies. We went over to meet them last night and they seemed kind of scared of us, but I think if we dress in matching Red Sox shirts they'll be more comfortable about sitting on our hands.

Now I don't know about you, but I love it when a cast member from an old movie or TV show cheesily makes a cameo appearance in a remake, like Charlton Heston as an ape in the 2001 Planet Of The Apes, or Andrea McArdle as an anonymous person in the 1999 TV version of Annie. My all time favorite is Kirk Alyn (the star of the 1948 Superman serial) as Lois Lane's father in the 1978 Superman movie. He had one line; "Lois, read your book", was shown mainly from the back, in shadow, and was eventually cut from the movie only to reemerge as bonus material the DVD 25 years later. Thank God for our culture of "bonus", or the back of Kirk Alyn's head might still be resigned to the cutting room floor of history.

Oh, and happy birthday to yimish and everyone else who was born on May 19th.

original cast member makes cameo in rema, star wars

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