My hero, Zero

Nov 30, 2004 13:34

I know this quiz was strictly meant to be taken by 13 year old girls, so I only answered the questions that were suitable to someone of my advanced age.

-Names you go by:
1. Abduul Raul
2. Polite Elephant
3. Mooch

-Usernames you've had:
1. greenwoodpecker
2. squashedpanther
3. night-heron

-Things you like about yourself:
1. I can do the Thursday New York Times Crossword Puzzle with no trouble.
2. I'm not so tall that I don't fit into my small kitchen.
3. I have the ability to identify the year any song was recorded based on the snare drum sound.

-Things you dislike about yourself:
1. I can't do the Friday New York Times Crossword Puzzle without looking up a few words on the internet.
2. I have no idea how to tell different kinds of sandpipers apart.
3. My feeble drumming.

- Parts of your heritage:
1. Slight stature.
2. Enjoyment of farm houses.
3. Funny accent.

- Things you don't understand:
1. Pavement
2. Computers
3. Vietnamese

- Things that annoy you:
1. Computer game slang with deliberate misspellings such as "teh" and "pwned"
2. Periods. Between. Words.
3. Fox News Channel

- Things that scare you:
1. Going around the table and introducing myself.
2. Any sort of social gathering.
3. Humans in general.

- Parts of your everyday needs:
1. Bottle of Kaboom
2. Democracy Now!
3. Livejournal

- Things you're wearing right now:
1. Orange sweater
2. Blue shirt
3. Novelty bear suit

- Things on your desk:
1. 3 empty Kaboom bottles
2. Stuffed lion that Lou sent from Ithaca four years ago
3. See-through Ben Kenobi action figure that some of you may remember from the "What am I pointing at?" game.

- Things you like saying (or say a lot):
1. "Pean - stop chewing that!"
2. "I'm too scared to go in there."
3. "You know what I'm sayin'?"

- Things you like seeing:
1. Bowerbird bowers
2. goldenmoonbear's bird paintings
3. Sleeping chinchillas

- Favorite bands at the moment:
1. Pat Lanzello and the Seat Covers
2. Aerwolf
3. Kunta Kinte Keith

- Favorite songs at the moment:
1. "Freedom Road" - Josh White
2. "Wheels" - Cake
3. "Everything Will Be Alright" - Andy Partridge

- People you spend the most time with:
1. goldenmoonbear
2. Joelster
3. zimbra1006

- Favorite hobbies:
1. Birdwatching
2. Playing music
3. Grocery shopping

- Places you would go on vacation:
1. Slough
2. New Caledonia
3. The place where African Grey Parrots come from

- Things you want to do before you die:
1. See a California Condor in the wild
2. S.S. Blade reunion tour
3. Find a cure for death?

condors, annoyances, star wars, birds, kaboom, going around the table, survey, 3 things, energy drinks, music, usernames, ss blade

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