Feb 26, 2005 01:57
Geryon, my MP3 player (name the allusion, you dorks), knows exactly what to play at every single moment. When I started driving my block tonight, he kicked into Megadeth's "Have Cool, Will Travel" which has a pretty bitchin' groove and whatnot. But the thing that absolutely blew me away is that it starts with Dave Mustaine yelling "The wheels on the bus go ROUND AND ROUND, ROUND AND ROUND!" before kicking into a Friedman solo. If that's not the best thing to have blasting when you start driving a bus, I don't know what is.
At the end of the block as I was going out of service, it started playing "Dante's Inferno", which is a great song and I like it a lot. Now, when we take the buses back to the lot after going out of service, we have to drive them through these evil-ass "Arbeit Macht Frei"-looking wrought iron gates. Now, every time to date that I've had to drive a bus through these, I always yelled "OPEN WIDE THE GATES!" like Matt Barlow does at 8:21 in "Dante's Inferno". This strange coincidence hadn't occurred to me until I had just driven back to the lot, and, being the second bus to arrive, I watched my coworker Rachel disembark, get out, and unlock the gates right as Geryon ticked to 8:19 on DI. I can assure you I've never yelled "OPEN WIDE THE GATES!" as loud as I did just then, and I most likely will never do such again.
To think that Geryon planned that out - the whole evening's selections of tunes led up to that one moment...he's smarter than I am.