(no subject)

Nov 21, 2005 11:53

First and foremost in this entry:

Black Market Faith show on Friday, Nov. 25th at Ramp and Speed out in Trussville.

Hope to see at least some faces I know out there.


In other news, today is going to royally suck as to how loooooooooong it's going to be. Only had 1 actual class today and the next thing I have to do isn't until 7:00PM tonight. Oh the joys of wonderful rehearsal schedules (and I think this is one of the rehearsals I have to stay the whole time too...which puts me getting back home at around 9:30-10'ish).

What to do to waste 7 hours of my life until Orchestra rehearsal tonight...hmmmmmmm...

So I've decided that I really would like to get back into basic drum set drumming in addition to playing with Blake and Mike in BMF. Ya know, just basic low-key stuff like maybe some pseudo funk drumming and your basic rock grooves. I'd also like to do some house drumming too. Now THAT would be fun (thanks to Terreon Gully for planting this seed in me).

I don't feel great at all...stupid weather changing so dadgum much over the past few weeks...needs to friggin' make up its mind...*grumble grumble*...*scratch scratch*...*grumble grumble*...*cough*...*grumble grumble*...

I feel like I just need to spill the beans to a couple of people about certain things right now...hmmm...what shall I do?

I think I try to figure out what I'm gonna go have for lunch, because I really don't want to get anything in the food court and I don't wanna have to pay to get into the caf.

I'm seriously thinking and looking at getting another drum set to leave at my house so I can practice at home again and play when I want to for the most part instead of only getting to play at Mike's house or at shows. It'd definitely be a smaller set-up, but no less interesting (we'll see what crazy stuff I have left over in my closet to add onto a new set that I havn't already put on my beast). I think it'll also only have a few big cymbals, but all of the rest of my smaller ones that I'm not using now (like my super awesome collections of random splashes that I have...namely my 6" A Custom splash, 8" Stagg mini-china I got at PASIC last year that is one-of-a-kind, and my Zil-Bel). Having a set to play on home would make me scores happier, because, not only would I not have to worry about having to take apart a massive kit and transport it back and forth to Mike's house every time I wanted to play at home, but I could also start practicing other styles I want to get into, start writing my own music, and just plain getting down and playing more often (it still won't be a stranger to my ever-growing-favorite, the blast beat). We'll see how this idea matures and I'll update as to what I'm going to do as time goes by.

With the above paragraph written, I just remembered that I completely havn't been thinking too much about christmas. I'm too friggin' undecisive as is, so what I might just ask my parents to do is give me money for christmas and that be it (minus the usual stocking stufffers and random crap they like to give me each christmas...like maybe a couple of movies and some candy that I wanted...which really isn't the case this year). I've got 3 things I really want that are all fairly expensive, so any money I can get in addition to my normal job paycheck would help me out in the long run. The 3 things I'm looking at are the above mentioned drum set option, a Conklin 7-string bass, or a rack for my already retardedly large drum set that's at Mike's...all of them being in the $1,000-$1,200 price range (the set or the rack would probably costa little less than the bass due to the fact that I get 10% above cost on whatever I buy at the drum shop). The rack would be expensive because my drum set is friggin' huge (I don't even use all of it for shows and it's already a pain in the butt to set up and take down...people who have been to a BMF show lately can tell you that). The bass would probably be the most expensive item out of the 3 since I wouldn't get a discount and it doesn't come with a case (oddly enough)...and it'd also depend on whether I get the basic 7-string or the Bill Dickens signature version, which is $200 more but has a lot better features and more options. But whatever...like I said, we'll see what happens.

College sure has changed me a lot for the better. I don't feel near as stressed, I'm a lot more overall relaxed in anything I do. I don't get nervous during certain things near as much as I would in high school (like say, giving speeches or performances). Except for eating, I really don't spend too much money. Uhhhhhh...let's see...my time management is definitely better. All sorts of other things.

*sigh*...what to do now...what to do...I think I'll go eat.

Mmmmmmmmm...wonderfully long update of just that I feel like letting out. There are other things, but I just didn't feel like saying them right now. I'm pretty much in one of those "ask me anything and I'll more or less tell you" type moods.
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