With the Big Reveal (oo-er), I can now say
to my authors!
My requests -
Black Books, two delightfully delicious and funny as fuck takes on the idea of Manny's birthday:
sotto-voice /Lexie for
Manny's Birthday *
merriman /Ryenna for
Happy Birthday Man The Bill, I asked for a reflective character piece on any character, and received this beautiful little drabble.
paranoidangel for
Who Am I? My assigned story was for
valderys and I chose to write a Hot Fuzz slashy piece called Anticipation.
As a "stocking stuffer", I knocked off a bit of TB Galloway/Roach for Pan,
Hollis Interruptus Thank you, thank you again for the fic!gifts. I've got some ideas buzzing around for the NYR Challenge, so Yuletide aint over yet! Phew...