An Announcement!!

Jul 12, 2009 17:57

The lingering rebellious presence of that hateful troglodyte notwithstanding, let it be known that the COUNT OF MONTROSE is Prince of Houston and all its environs! I am formally announcing new additions to my court in the coming weeks. Those that held my banner and fought with me on these hot nights of rage will not be forgotten and their sacrifices and blood will be celebrated with as much bloodwine that their throats can slake.
First order of business is the nomination of the Lord of Baytown, heretoafter known as Bonesnapper, Lord of Baytown.

There will be more awards in the coming weeks as penitents seek to lay claim that are hunting grounds within demesne of the Count of Montrose.

And I am seeking more vessels to join my lovely Circle of Dolls. The meatier the better! Come forth my darklings!!


count of montrose

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