
Sep 08, 2010 06:05

Anise, let me borrow Tokunaga!

[Locked to Draco||70% Unhackable]

You win, but only because it's difficult to wrench conversation out of him. It's circumstantial, but I fold.

[Locked to Good Spirits staff, Nami, Nephry, Asch and Nebilim||75% Unhackable]

Guys, um...if either Natalia (a blond woman from Auldrant) or Luke (Asch's look-alike) ask about Asch or I, please don't tell them we're together. We'd like to do it ourselves.

Jade, I'm not even bothering to tell them to not tell you because you probably hacked this, but I'll explain if you'll keep it a secret.

anise, natalia, nephry, nami, luke, draco, jade, meryl, heart, asch, buffy, gelda

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