
May 22, 2009 03:13

This one isn't necessarily a continuation of the previous fairy tale, but I guess could be considered part of the same series? This is more historical fact than fantasy, though.

[A stretch of silence and Guy taps the end of his pen against the table before speaking again.]

The world we have today is based on the brilliant mind of the woman Yulia Jue. She was, first and foremost, an inventor, a pioneer, an engineer and a damn fine songstress. Her creations fueled the most prosperous age our world had ever seen.

Perhaps her most famous invention was the Planet Storm, a mechanism that channels fonons through the center of the planet and circling around Auldrant to make fonons more accessible to us. Thanks to that, people were able to cast fonic artes without much strain, and life became much easier as a result. Fontech and other forms of technology developed with these new found resources, and the world was as advanced as it had ever been.

Something else came of all that fonic agitation, too; a mutation amongst colliding fonons gave birth to the seventh fonon. Now, all fonons are the basic particles of sound, and the rate at which they vibrate determine what element they represent. The seventh fonon is a little different though; the seventh fonon represents sound itself. It -with the proper tools and usage- can alter matter itself, because it can alter the other six fonons, change their composition, destroy and recreate. It's also very difficult to control.

The fonic sentience- I'd mentioned the other six a few entries ago, with the fairy tale- the one for the seventh fonon is Lorelei. Yulia formed a pact with Lorelei, wrote the Grand Fonic Hymn, crafted a lot of the healing artes still used today -on Auldrant, that is- and read the Score, or the future of the planet, with the help of Lorelei and the memory particles located in the core of the world.

There can be too much of a good thing, though. The Planet Storm -useful as it was- was unnatural. The intensity of the fonons passing through the core caused it to begin vibrating, and that liquefied the mantle beneath the world's crust. Auldrant had begun to sink.

[There's another pause, and Guy's tone takes a lighter lilt.]

I'd better stop now before I bore everyone to tears. ...hah, that's more like a lecture than a story, isn't it? Hm.

Your Majesty, are you feeling any better?

And Florian, is it okay if I come by later to help you get your things together?

peony, listen i'm saying something important, someone sounds learned, florian, chitty chat chat, scholar guy

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