The Jump-Roping Motorcyle Lasso-ing Rescue Squad

Sep 13, 2006 11:05

All right, I'm cooped up at school with no scheduled classes, I'm cold, I'm bored, I've studied about as much kanji as I can without shooting the cards, so I'm updating. Take that, school! Hyah!!

Anyhoo, I had this bizarre dream the other night. Permit me to fill you in.

I was planning my elementary 5th grade English lessons (which were oddly enough situated in the 5th grade rooms of Rudy Elementary, but.. in Japan...?). The theme was going to be science and we were going to grow mold. (Man I wish my English lessons were really like this.)

The talk of mold somehow leads to the atmosphere and the ozone layer. Me and some other people I can't recall are thrust outwards into space to observe.

We see the sunrise over the Earth and the oceans and the deserts and all these super spectacular sites. (During this, I realize that we don't have a ship or suits or helmets or anything, and we should be really cold and well, dead. But hey, we were alive, so all right!) Then, out of nowhere, someone pokes a hole in the Earth (which I can only assume is the hole in the ozone layer) and it fizzles and deflates like a balloon. (!?!)

As it collapses in upon itself, all of us space bound are thrown screaming into the ocean... a dark and scary ocean. (Note: the author is absolutely terrified of the ocean at night. Daytime ocean is also quite scary, but the idea of being thrown into the ocean at night sends me hyperventilating.)

So, panicking and screaming for help, a boat comes by and lassooes (sp?) us with rope and at the yell of "JUMP!!" we jump into the boat. Wow! That was cool! So cool, in fact, that I discover there are other rescue squads out there.

I join the Motorcycle Rescue Squad... where we use ropes to lasso people--both good guys and bad guys. The tricky part is that you have to jump rope the motorcycle while you're moving. Dang! My first night on the job is pretty rough--I'm having a hard time getting used to this whole jump-roping thing and my first bad guy goes whizzing by me, I miss, and have to turn around to pursue him. (Note: this may've been influenced by the fact that I was having trouble riding my bike in the rain while holding an umbrella and balancing a really really heavy basket full of groceries on the front of my bike.)

As I'm turning around, I find a big parking lot and decide to get some practice in... and lucky me! There's a color-coded obstacle course just waiting there for me! I tried it, and failed miserably. Deciding to call it a night after the practice, I make my way home.

Then I think I miss a big chunk of the dream, because now I'm in a car with some guy I don't know and Irena, a girl from high school I never really knew but have had the occasional dream about. (!?!) We're riding along the streets at night, and they were my familiar "dream city" streets--that city I've never been to in real life but often frequent in sleepy time. Then, Irena turns into my Japanese ex-boyfriend, T, and we're in the back. He kisses me once and I go all googly eyed and lovey dovey. (!?!) When the car stops, we are serenaded by three rats who can't sing, so they played flutes with their noses...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand that's when I wake up saying, "Ok, what the HELL was THAT!?" Overall, I'm still prety impressed by that Rescue Squad. (^_^)
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