Title: Man of Words
Author: Deathy
Summary: During the annual Hargreaves family gathering at Cornwall Castle young Cain and Suzette Hargreaves bear witness to a mystery.
Author's Note: Author's Note: There is no mention in the series that I can find of Suzette's last name, so I'm making it Hargreaves, having Augusta have married a distant cousin. It also never mentions exactly how much older than Cain Suzette is, but she can't be too much older, so I've made them a year and a half apart. This takes place when Suzette is 9--almost 10, and Cain is 8.
Disclaimer: I do not own the Earl Cain Series and it's characters. They belong to the goddess Kaori Yuki.
This is my first actual post to the community. I bring you a little fic I wrote a few years ago and have now revamped to hopefully make it a little better.
Man of Words