so you're saying you're gonna light my country music award on fire?

Apr 01, 2008 16:16

I'm glad school starts back up tomorrow. But I think I've got senioritus and I'm not even a senior. Yet. I just don't have the power to do my work anymore. It's weird. I am losing my drive for school, but I don't think it's permanent, I'm sure it's a phase.

on another note, I'm also glad to be semi-imployed. I am now semi-working at Zen with Jade and Sabrina and it is oh so sweet. By semi I mean I only work 3 days out of the week and I didn't even get interviewed for the job, it was almost like it was handed to me, which makes me feel a bit indifferent, like it was easy. TOO easy. So I hope it dosn't get swiped away from me as easily as it came to me.

I got caught climbing on my roof last night by police. Good thing they didn't know that 2 of my friends were also up there and a few more were inside. They did make me bring them inside so they could snoop around. There was nothing for them to find though, because we didn't have much of what they were looking for, which was alcohol, and the small amount we did have was on the roof. We were up there because we wanted to watch the northern lights and drink some wine and tell jokes or whatever. It was way scary, I thought we were done for.
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