Letting Go

Aug 07, 2010 05:44

 The final stage of post break-up depression, is for me the hardest (though not the most painful). I've never been good at letting go, which is why I find it easy to remain friends. Though the fact that I don't require sex to love and cherish someone helps with that as well.

However this time remaining friends seems to be not an option, not surprising really given the circumstances. So letting go, hard to do, but I will make it through and be stronger for the experience. I will try not to allow myself to become less trusting of others again this time, that's been a result in the past when I had to let go of someone.

The worst part is that this is when the loneliness truly settles back in and I start to feel like I will never be rid of it again. I know that's wrong, and I have only to think of the several dear and amazing friends who have been there for me in the past three weeks to know that I will never be truly alone. Unfortunately it tends to gnaw at me as I'm laying down to sleep, when everyone I know is unreachable for one reason or another. But I have dealt with that off and on for most of my life, I will remember how to cope again.

So there you are, a small update on how I'm doing. Still alive, still fighting for my sanity and well-being. Love you all, thanks for the support. Hopefully good news next.

Oh, here's one small bit, I start class in just a couple weeks. Going for an AAS in Business Management.
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