Dodge City without a sheriff.

Mar 27, 2012 12:28

The more I look at 'Stand Your Ground,' the more I think the buffoons that thought it sounded like a good idea must be anarchists. I say buffoons, because brainless dickbag chucklefucks would be overly prejudicial against their obvious lack of cerebral function.

Government exists for a few reasons, but according to John Locke (and most of us acknowledge he had some pretty good thoughts on the subject) the very first reason government exists, is to protect the people that join societies, from those that don't. Those that undersign the social contract, give up a certain amount of autonomy and autarky, in favor of collective security and the synergistic power of many people cooperating.

Enter 'Stand Your Ground,' which asserts the power of the individual to defend himself against those outside (and within) the contract. That individual withdraws from the contract. Asserts his right to violence, throwing off the shackles of a collective monopoly on violence. Declares himself unruled by society, an anarchist with a passport and a gun. (hint: such an individual deserves neither passport nor vote, which are among the perks of signing onto society's wagon)

Florida has not only declared itself the Wild Frontier; it has effectively fired its sheriffs, since their job of defending the public is superseded by the public's ancient, antisocial right to defend themselves. Freedom from collective responsibility to one another has been superseded by freedom from individual responsibility to one another.

In short, I think George Zimmerman is going to get off, and I think it was a really stupid idea to tear up the social contract that would have held him responsible for his poor decision.


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