Moral dilemmas you never encounter in real life:

Jul 09, 2009 15:06

I am struck by how I feel a little guilty playing the "evil" side of many role-playing games, since they require one to do things which are often downright depraved. Less offensive to the conscience, but still deeply offensive to one's sense of cultural respect, is that in most games the primary means of fund-raising (for the adventuring player anyway) is the dungeon raid, wherein one kills everything in the way and plunders tombs, catacombs, and other sites left by long-lost religions.

I feel less conflicted still, but nonetheless slightly uncomfortable, about punitive raids against banditry or vicious bands of marauding [insert species here] which has been established on reasonably good authority to be aggressive, dangerous, and previously to have predated on the local townsfolk. But who knows? They might just be lying, greedy bastards hoping to dupe you into killing off their competition, whom they could not defeat by other means.

Possibly I should just stick to chess and poker. They at least don't require me to check my morals at the door. nerdy to me

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