Sorry for the long intermission. Life sometimes gets in the way of the sim world.
In the last chapter: The family celebrated having triplets.
The family had fun and grew together.
Sadly Adriana had to grow up to be an elder too soon.
Though Adriana is now old, the love is still there between her and Zane :)
Zane: How do you like my new costume *wink wink*
Adriana: It's magical
Oh lord, do you guys have to be that cheesy!
Adriana: I blame the grill cheeses
Zane got an option to try out for a local venue, and of course he is going to try the coin behind the ear trick.
She seems way overly impressed by this lol
In other words he got the job :)
Zane: Because I am awesomesauce
Well while Zane is away doing magic stuff, the kids will play
All right enough with the cute pillow fighting :)
Gwendolyn: Is this really the future you wanted to sad
Wow, you should try to be a bit nicer
Gwendolyn: I can't help it that I am 10x better than everyone
Oh boy, the Diva trait is so much fun (not)
Bus Driver Lady: *tear*
Amelia decided that for her birthday she would have a slumber party.
Oh my little girl is all grown up :)
Besides being gorgeous, she gained the rebellious trait. She also chose her lifetime wish of being An Animal Rescuer.
Right away I catch her setting up a prank on the computer :)
Amelia: Teehee no one will ever know it was me
Unfortunately she doesn't have a sneaky trait
Zane: Amelia! You know your mother isn't a young chicken anymore. If she saw that picture, we might get visited by Death, and I don't like that guy. You are in time out lady!
Time out is so funny
Amelia: *grumble grumble*
Awww Zane is such a good dad...uh wait. What kind of bed time story is that!
Well I guess he seems kind of adult like
Damien: Now to make the love potion so I can give it to the maid.
Patrick: There is no way the maid is going to fall in love with you...she loves me!
Ok your dad is now banned from giving you guys bedtime stories
Since Amelia needs to adopt a million strays, she gets started with Smokey
He is super cute :)
Adriana: Now children, let me tell you about the dreaded story of..dun dun dun..the fried chicken of doom!
Amelia: Why did mom and dad have to have more kids, I would have been fine being the heir
It's more fun when there is a vote, so be nice!
Amelia: Trust me, I am as sweet as this ice cream truck
That is a weird expression lol
For some reason she had to run all the way to this beach spot to eat her ice cream
Gwendolyn: RAWR I am a wooly mammoth
Patrick: No no no, you are a dragon silly
Gwendolyn: RAWR this wooly mammoth is going to eat you now!
Adriana: Gwendolyn isn't really the sharpest tool in the box, ya know what I mean
It was now time for the triplets to become teenagers. I hope I never have four teenagers at once in real life lol
Gwendolyn is also a looker, and gained the flirty trait. She also got the Super Popular lifetime wish.
Damien gained the trait of nurturing and the lifetime wish of master acrobat
I am unsure what went wrong with Patrick though lol. He gained the workaholic trait and the lifetime wish of Emperor of Evil.
It seems the boys still dont get along.
That still life is kind of creepy Zane.
Zane: But he is my lord and master. I must paint him or my magic disappears
Amelia did meet this looker.
Amelia: How about a kiss???
Ginger Man: OH no no no no sweetie
Awww don't be too sad..just keep trying!
Adriana: Another birthday? I will never get to finish writing my biography before I die.
Smokey is a big boy now!
He is still cute :)
Gwendolyn also met a boy :)
She had no problem getting that first kiss and a gf/bf status
Gwendolyn: did you have any doubt?
*rolls eyes*
We leave this chapter with Patrick doing what he does best...being evil
Adriana: why did I have children again?
So I can have an heir poll!
Well after next chapter ;)
Till then I hope you enjoyed this one.