The Collier Legacy Gen 1.0

Apr 18, 2012 23:47

The Collier Legacy


Let me introduce you all to our founder
Zane Collier!

His traits include: Good Sense of Humor, Mooch, Disciplined, Artistic, and A Natural Born Performer.
He has the ambition to become a Master Magician.

And this is the house that Zane bought. One might call it cozy :\
Now one can't just become a Master Magician overnight, so Zane headed over to the park for tips.


Wait! Zane you can't use that spell

Zane: ...RA

I tried to warn you Zane, that spell, I have heard it's not so nice.

Zane: *sniff* Why did the flowers die?

Alexia Jameson: There there, I know you didn't mean to kill the flowers

Just be happy it was the flowers that died...

Ok let's try this again


Seriously? Thats a spell?

Alexia: A sexy spell

I seriously think that all the sims in this game are turned on by magicians...

In the end Zane was able to make 10 dollars in tips

Random Dude: You the man!

Zane: Soooo, I noticed you have money. Could I have some??

*Facepalm* She just gave you a tip, isn't that enough???
Silly mooch trait.

While he was at it, he ended up also asking if she was single. Unfortunately Alexia was married to Nickolas

Zane: Hmm, Stir in magic powder...

Umm, whatcha doin?

Zane: Making magic.

You do realize thats just Mac-n-Cheese right?

Zane: Magic Mac-n-Cheese!

Zane: The box didn't say anything about it turning black...

I bet it also didn't mention catching on fire, did it?

Zane: HOLY MOLY, I must have added too much of that magic powder!

Mechanic Lady: How am I suppose to fix this??

Zane: I called you to fix my bathtub...not the stove..

Mechanic Lady: I think you need a whole home makeover instead.

Now that the bathtub is fixed, Zane decided to practice...umm..what did you want to practice in the bathtub??

Zane: I am totally going to beat David Blaine in a breath holding contest.

The next day, Zane got a request to audition for a gig at the performance park.

Zane: You are going to love this!

Zane, I don't think the park owner guy is too sure about your skills...

Luckily the "coin behind the ear" trick worked, and Zane got the gig!

The Liams decided it was a perfect day at the park :)

While Zane was at the park, he decided to try his skills with the ladies *teehee*

Those were not the skills I was thinking of *sigh*

Though there was a lady that did catch Zane's eye. And no, not the lady in blue.
She was married.

It was an instant love match :)


Married Lady in blue crashed their lovey dovey meeting!

This makes me want to punch her in her proud looking face!

Luckily Zane stopped me, and made up with Adriana

Zane did find out that Adriana Wong is a flirty sim and part of the paparratzi

Commence Silly Flirtation Spam!

Zane: I really like this one :)

I am glad you do cause she is most likely going to help spawn the next generation ;)

Awww first kiss is cute :)

Uh Zane, I think she just ran for the hills after you kissed her. What did you eat?

Zane: Wow, my first kiss.

Zane: Oh wait, she did go running for the hills

Sorry Zane, try harder next time.

I have learned that dating the paparazzi is strange. Immediately after she ran off, she called Zane for a chat

Zane: No, I wasn't worried at all.

They decided to meet at the art gallery the next day for a date

Zane: The color blue is Magical

Which I guess bored her and she walked off, even though the date continued. 

Zane: Maybe I should have brought flowers?

I have a feeling this chick might not be the one

Later that night Adriana shows up again to continue the date. I have never seen this before!

Zane decides to woo her with his many talents

Zane: There is nothing up my sleeve

Adriana: Wow, what an awesome trick!

Not too bright now is she lolz

Zane: Bam! Butterflies.

Adriana:  O.O

Adriana: You make my heart swoon

There has got to be something about magic that is an aphrodisiac

They definitely end the date on a high note. Even though Adriana left midway through the date, it was rated to be a great one! I was shocked.

Today is the big day. Zane is studying up for his gig, also wearing his new uniform from his promotion!
I gotta say I love the rainbow suspenders ;)

Now for the Magic Show Spam:

There was this lady that kept jumping in a circle during the performance. It was just weird.

Well we end it on a high note! Zane put on a great performance and almost is level three in his magician field.
Tune in till next time:
Will there be love? marriage? babies in baby carriages????
You will have to wait and see :)

Author Note: I hope you enjoyed my first chapter. I have not done a legacy in a long time so its a bit getting use to again. 

collier legacy, sims 3, gen 1

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