
Oct 22, 2020 11:47

↻: it's dipped in jellyfish.

a: you've got an attitude that would make arugula wilt. i like it.

b: in good weather they protest that the rain is needed, and on rainy days they miss the sun. we don't need those opinions, so give us a laugh.

c: those boys were full of pity before you burst them all over the sidewalk.

d: there are only two directions to look, up and sideways. sometimes we look up just to confuse the hopeless.

e: 'i accuse you!' it's kind of like a joke. you and me, we point fingers at each other and then head out late at night and play with handcuffs and in the end nothing comes of it because you're too busy laughing and i'm plotting your murder.

f: in our heads and hearts and our darkest parts

g: if given an opportunity between using 'we're all mad here' and 'why so serious?' the choice is hardly a choice.

h: and all those heady things aren't made out of love

i: we thought it was cute until it started eating the neighbors. now we just want to hack off its tail with a butcher's knife and flush its head down the drain. but if we keep on smiling it may never know what's going to happen to it.

j: don't worry. trust me. i'm a professional. don't you feel more reassured now?

k: at times you wonder if one's inherent stupidity is linked to their genetics or bad luck.

l: i'll bring you flowers.

m: and so the carpetner said to the walrus: i've got an army of killer clams in this bucket, here, and if you dare make a wrong move they'll whip out their semi-autos and make you a new lace shirt. and the walrus said: shit man, that's cruel. what the carpenter didn't know was that the walrus had the fist of god.

n: let me show you a magic trick. just put your fingers into this tiger's mouth right here, yessir, just like that. wait a tick. oh, don't worry, that damage is only temporary.

o: all those body parts you never knew you didn't need

p: i'd invite you to the fair but this man who might be my friend gets to come first.

q: there are no promises that can be said forever, but there are that will last until the end of my time

r: we taught those boys about joy, and let out all their little secrets into the drain.

s: ...and put it in her pocket.

t: and we'll teach you a little bit about joy and a little bit about how to smile. don't take the time to think too much, just skip a hop over here and we'll show you how it's done.

u: a rat without a head is a very good rat indeed.

v: welcome to the room without space.

w: if you don't mind taking a seat over there we can begin with the terms. first term, you shall not at any time think for yourself. first term part a, this includes and is not limited to lunch breaks, cigarette breaks, coffee breaks and what hours you work. first term part b, you should accept that your life is utterly pointless.

x: all these quiet murder hostels

y: stop me if you've heard this one, okay? the donner party checks in at a hotel and rents three rooms and then the next day they rent two and on the last day they only rent one and they've got this really big cooler right - hey, no, they just like mixed drinks. you're real sick thinking it's cannibalism.

1: the sky is made all of gravel

2: the cat in the hat has got to go back.

3: and all the fires of pompeii have got nothing on an australian ocean full of pissed off creatures.

4: she drew all the faces in charcoal and they were smiling

5: the careful reflections you were working so had to forget have all come bubbling up like fruit in champagne and if you take a drink you may just get lost in yourself.

6: the quiet corners we could share

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