[ ooc ] permissions post

Feb 18, 2011 14:48

.Contact Information.

[Name] Man-D
[E-Mail] elvenmagic92 [at] gmail.com
[Instant Messengers] AIM: live the kind | MSN: ninja_zila [at] hotmail.com
[Plurk] livethekind
[Other] n/a
[Preferred] Plurk and/or AIM, please!


[Backtagging] Always. Sometimes I get a little swamped with RL shenanigans, and so I will backtag into infinity if you let me.
[Threadhopping] OH MY GOD PLEASE YES I love when this happens. Please do it, Jade will respond to everyone.
[Plotting] If it's something that's going to affect my character directly, I would like to at least be given a say in it. That being said, I am pretty chill with most everything, so feel free to IM me if you have something you want to talk about.
[Offensive subjects] Anything, as long as it's age-appropriate for Jade! I am an adult, she is not.


[What's okay to mention around him/her] Anything.
[Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character? Special physical features, special abilities, etc] Jade is a narcoleptic! She will fall asleep randomly, most likely once or twice a day, probably during classes too. It's not your fault -- it's just the way she is.
[Can I hack that strike or otherwise find out information they'd prefer to keep hidden?] Yes, these are all fine. Jade doesn't hide much, but sure!
[Can I troll/mindscrew/mess with in general?] Sure! Please ask, though.
[Can I spit at/jinx/step on/etc? (i.e. fighting)] Yes, but please ask me first!
[Can I flirt with/hug/kiss/use other means of non-violent physical contact with this character?] Anything bigger than a kiss, I will say no to. But Jade will attack people with hugs and hand holding and stuff of that sort, so feel free to do it back. Just keep in mind that she is 13, so anything above handholding is risque and quite possibly inappropriate oh noes.
[Anything else?] Hi.


jadesprite talks in a dark green color
and she rarely uses anything except commas, question marks
and sometimes exclamation points when she is really really upset :(
she is usually soooooooo saaaaaaaad booooo hooooo hooooo
and when she gets really upset she cant control herself and lets out a

If you would like me to lay off of the color, please let me know here!

!ooc, !permissions

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