42; amy/rory picspam

Jul 12, 2010 23:36

okay so i just did a spam of Rory/Amy over on tumblr and i figured i haven't posted on here actual graphic art in forever so why not put it here too! (plus i'm bored so yay something to do!) hope you enjoy ;)

it's been over 2 weeks but in case; huge spoilers for the finale don't click if you haven't seen it.

+ DON'T BE A JERK AND POST THIS ON TUMBLR, as mentioned above it's already there!
+ no hotlinking please? Tinypic is your friend.
+ please don't use my spam for icons/whatever else.
+ like this? join and see past icon posts and faster updates when i finally post icons again (someday this will happen i swear, i just don't know when lol)

maker : sodapop_01, picspam : doctor who

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