Beat Your Heart Out (The Distillers)
I had to run the damage is done / I give it up, I give it up / There’s nothing left so take the rest / Yeah you’re draining me.
What's the Frequency Kenneth? LIVE (R.E.M.)
(From the new live album and pretty much makes my heart skip with happy butterflies)
I'd studied your cartoons, radio, music, tv, movies, magazines / Richard said, "Withdrawal in disgust is not the same as apathy" (but, seriously, I am in love with this version of this song more than I can convey through text, interpretive dance, or flappy hand gestures.)
Locate the Pieces (Matt Pond PA)
I do believe that our hearts are received / Be on the rust colored reeds, is glimpses of blueness / Lately I can't recognize what's right from what is wrong.
Addicted to Bad Ideas (The World/Inferno Friendship Society)
because I can/ 'cause no one can stop me / 'cause it makes up for things I lost / because I'm addicted to bad ideas and all the beauty in this world
And just because last Saturday Pete Wentz said it was about "...falling in love with girls that say y'all" and I am sometimes a total cheap whore,
I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off (Me & You)