Title: Finally 1/1
scarfman Characters/Pairing: Doctor Six/Peri
Rating: R for graphic but not explicit sex
Setting (spoilers through): Revelation of the Daleks - starts the instant after the freeze shot
Disclaimer: This work is derivative of property of the BBC. No profit shall be made and no market of the owner(s) is infringed upon.
bewarethespork persiflage_1 billfl purpleranger ladyrutile Summary: Sequel to
Redefined Image and
Clueless; coda to Revelation of the Daleks. Peri and the Doctor begin a sexual relationship, which winds them both down enough that they finally begin talking.
scarfman dwfiction couldbeplatinum thesixthdoctor loves_them_all "I don't want to go anywhere with you," Peri interrupted.