saw the play "In Dafur" at the goregous Gunthrie
"a staged reading of a new play that addresses the humanitarian crisis in the Sudan. Playwright Winter Miller collaborated with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Nicholas D. Kristof to write In Darfur, a provocative account of one fictitious journalist’s quest to deliver an “above the fold” story about Darfur that will force a nation from remote awareness to moral and political outrage. Join us for this searing story of urgency and international significance.". I will be seeing another play this friday about a woman with schizophrenia. ^----that site has the images from the photo exhabit.
I've decided the men need to be placed on pause. In other news I have to write a paper about what Siham would be like if she was 80yrs old. I'm sorry but that idea doesn't have me smiling from cheek to cheek. I bought some ethiopian food, and learned from the waitress where I can get my own gold necklace in the shape of Africa/or specific countries with my name down the question is do I get "siham" written down the middle or "hanan". I need to call INS, and ask them how crap I have to go through if I change my name to Hanan prior to applying for my citizenship. Apart of me thinks...what if there was a man who fell in love with me from afar and hes been searching for me...I mean HELLO, if i change my name he wont find me!!!(I hope everyone is laughing at this point, as much as I am). So yeah I watched love jones,and I'm listening to lauryn hill...and in a bit I have to go shopping for treats(for the students who showed improvement).