May 01, 2015 01:08
The other residents seem to think I'm really smart, but actually I just know a different set of information than they do, and I don't know nearly as much as they think I do...
Also they think I'm a bit nuts for wanting to learn literally everything about everything >_>;;; Whereas their strategy is to learn exactly what is needed to pass boards, and no more. Which really should be my focus at this point too but... but... shiny, shiny knowledge T_T
Also at some point I should add dates to these events, in the interests of keeping LJ as a recording device... though I've kind of fallen into the migrate-to-Facebook trap nowadays >_>;;; oops
- Naka-kon
- Finally chastising In-Joong for his slackerness
- Working up Cat for her chronic vomiting and having to endoscope a stupidlong piece of string out of her. (But she'd been vomiting before she ate the string, and she's still vomiting after the string was taken out too.) Now currently in the process of throwing all sorts of treatments at her and seeing what sticks. Stupid Cat.
- Current events in Baltimore. My personal FB has become kind of a torrent of Baltimore-related signal boosts. >_>;;;;
I guess I should be studying more effectively and not just flailing around trying to learn a little of fifty billion things all at once... grah. But it's already been almost-a-year and I have 2 more years and what do I have to show for it??? I HAVE NO IDEA