Sep 18, 2006 12:35 quite different now than it was before. Graduate school is exhausting and pretty stressful, but ultimately I'm enjoying the hell out of it. Let it be known that I'm putting in a LOT more time to my "job" now than I was when I was working a 40-hour week. Still, the people are great and I'm getting through the work, some of which is pretty cool. I just wish it would let up a bit so that I could get more rest, but whatever. It's better than my last job.
Other stuff? Trying to learn to be a profitable poker player and learning one lesson at a time. The trick is not to pay too much for the lessons and not to have to learn them more than once. If you can do that, you're on your way. I love doing it but I'm still learning to handle the swings. Sharpening my instincts is also a slow process, since many of your decisions are based on your gut feeling rather than the math.
I also ran into someone a couple of days ago that I haven't seen in over a year and a half. Though I tried to be casual and keep it brief, I was pretty blindsided by this short encounter. I was torn between ignoring outright and stopping to catch up. I settled for a quick hello and kept moving, not being given the chance to change my mind as she was soon gone. Don't those feelings ever f***ing die? I suppose some things will never get easier...