Great photos! My Pittie, Bourbon, absolutely loves to swim! He was angry at us for putting up the fence, because he can't access the pond unless we bring him back there now.
Before the fence was up, we couldn't keep Bourbon out of the pond, even when it was icy!! I didn't like him running in that pond (there are several other nicer ones in the neighborhood and mine is more of a swamp) because he'd run across it again and again and come back to the house muddy and wet with stuff stuck all over him! One time I actually had to pull a stick out of his side, it must have poked him and lodged there as he was galavating! Silly dog!!
Charlie jumped in the pond near us when it was icy once ... I've never seen a dog swim so fast (to get out)!!
The dog we had when I was a kid did that - managed to get a stick stuck in his side. :( The only thing I've had to pull out of Charlie was a fishing hook (it was stuck in his leg - I was totally freaked - he was fine).
Maggie is that way, you could hit her repeatedly with a 2x4 and it would have no effect. :) Charlie, on the other hand, is a very delicate flower. He breaks a nail and he acts like death is imminent!
All 3 of my Pitties seem to not have nerve endings anywhere near the surface of their skin. They romp outside, run into trees, fall off of things- injuries that would easily keep me in bed for a day or two! And they barely shake it off. However, the 3 of them are SUPER-sensitive emotionally. If they think we are mad at them in any way, shape or form, they literally look as though they will burst into tears.
Charlie knocked something off the bed by accident this morning and I swore at him and he looked like he wanted to turn invisible (that's what he does when someone is mad). Yes, they're very soft emotionally.
When Charlie got the fishhook in his leg, he came and sat by me and wouldn't move ... I eventually noticed the fishhook. When he got his teeth out (had to have a broken canine and a cracked molar) he had to lie on the bed for TWO WHOLE DAYS and act like he was about to DIE.
The dog we had when I was a kid did that - managed to get a stick stuck in his side. :( The only thing I've had to pull out of Charlie was a fishing hook (it was stuck in his leg - I was totally freaked - he was fine).
When Charlie got the fishhook in his leg, he came and sat by me and wouldn't move ... I eventually noticed the fishhook. When he got his teeth out (had to have a broken canine and a cracked molar) he had to lie on the bed for TWO WHOLE DAYS and act like he was about to DIE.
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