Jul 29, 2008 15:47
The weather was a bit strange today couldn't really make up its mind. I got the 208 from Bromley this morning and it had its heaters of full blast, whenm the inspectors on i asked them why this was and they informed me that the driver is powerless to turn the heaters off and it has to be dont by an engineers as the leaver is in the engine compartment!! i have never heard such craziness
anyways today past without much of a ripple. went shopping with Claire from work we had much fun taking the piss out of the posh people in canary wharf mall and i got a Pret role whichw as nice. I am currently reading an Aldus Huxley book. for the life of me i cant think of the titel and the books all the way in my bag so ill look later, i think its crome something. i am enjoying it so far anyways.
Heard from Zoe today she is getting all excited about their Ibiza trip which i can udnerstand but hate hearing about. i can't go on it as i am on Jury Service and is really quite depressing me. the closing parties in "beefa" are one of the highlights of the year for me. fricking jury service. having said that i was in Oz for a month in January so i cant complain to much
As for work its the same old shit working for the same old wankers, and i am far to lazy to do anything about it so i wont spend lines of your time moaning about it.
Tonight i think i am gonna watch a programme on More4 about women who have forced circumcision i saw advertisied at the weekend, looks pretty heavy stuff but itneresting all the same. ill let you know what i think about it tomorrow.
i am gonna try to watch the new batman movie tomorrow night as well, i am have been creaming my pants for it for a while not and a cheeky orange wednesday sems the ways forward.
An interesting conversation came up at work tonday though and that was with a guy who dumped one of his ex girlfriends who he found out was a prostitute once upon a time. he just couldn't get his head round it at all and it tried but they only lasted another 6 weeks after she told him. i dont know how i would react to news like this but i would hope it wouldn't bother me so much that i would get rid of someone i truly cared about, i mean how hard must it have been for her to tell him.