First day of Anatomy tutorial with Dr. Hernandez :) It was optional but then again I decided to attend in preparation for my Pathophysiology this June. Anatomy talks about normal matters. Like normal pulse, normal muscle contraction, etc. Pathophysiology is all about the abnormal. I did not hesitate to attend this class even if I already had my Anatomy 1st Sem Sophomore year. I should master Anatomy. If not, how will I know the abnormal if I could not even understand the normal? Diba? :P Kaya. Ehe. :)
Bagong buhay?
We were only seven who attended. Venue: The Academy Training Center along Malvar road :P
Note: Hanah was not here when this shot was taken. Jash, as well.
L-R Top to Bottom Clockwise:
Aya (Dumpling! :P), Steph, Me, Kriska (Siomai! :D), and May May
Cute ng pose ni siomai! ;)
With Siomai and Dumpling! :)
More and more pics to be uploaded later at Multiply.
Mama and Papa :)
More pics to be uploaded later at Multiply.
New shoes! <3
Yeah. So much for saving money. :| I've spent my money on many things: Beauche set and gift of Papa. But then again, the shoes are sooo comfy, I can jump and dance in them! :D Heeeh. :P And I can wear them in my casual-everyday outfits, and at the beach as well! Talk about multi-purpose shoes! ;)
But still.
I'm broke.