May 04, 2009 22:11
Hello, my name is T**** and I am trained in First Aid, may I help you?
Yessiree I am first aid and CPR level B certified (that means CPR on adults, children and infants).... My claim to fame: I officially fainted the earliest in the course that the instructor had seen in her 15 years there.. I fainted 5 minutes into the first movie, bumping my head something fierce (still have a huge lump/bruise) and chipping two teeth (not serious, but one stings a little, I think the nerve is pretty close to exposed).. In my defense, the instructor went on and on about fractured vertebrete slicing through the spinal chord.. ugh nauseating...
Also, I am trying to update Deviant Art once a day for May. My username on there is Tanya-Candy, and so far I have posted Bees in Meridell, a Poison Ivy pick, Tara from a Shadowlander's Dream and my default userpic (in a larger form, obviously).. The sad thing is I still haven't been on my computer, so I have no avatar on there, because John's computer doesn't have photoshop (or anything like it) to manipulate sizes / target areas of an image to be an avatar.
Alright, I am starting my Avatar (the last Airbender) marathon tonight.. let's see how quickly I get addicted!
PS Second_Lina.. how can I find you on deviant art? I can't search username can I? Is there a specific title of a work you have on there?
deviant art,
first aid