Apr 10, 2004 11:26
good morning every1!how is evry1 today?im good...i guess!yesterday was so fun! tiffany came ova my house and we hung out. we lyk decorated my room wit all these different pics that we made! lol cuz we r just so awesome lyk that!then we watched bring it on again!ya thats a really good movie lol gerard called lyk 20 mins. ago and was lyk oh hey and lyk i guess he's not pissed at me anymore...wow.yesterday he acted lyk he wanted me dead and then today he's lyk all happy and shit...dont get that 1 but w/e im fine wit it!lol so lets see...today im goin ova my dad's and then tomorrow i might go 2 the mall wit tiffany cuz i gotta get my mom a b-day gift! uhh! lol ok well guess im done...this entry was pointless lol ( dont ask y i did this) lol k luv u all that matta!
~ASHLEY~ 143* nick