An essay, entitled:

Feb 08, 2007 09:14

When I first got him, I never thought I'd drop him. I was spamming him like crazy, like no character I had before. In the first month, two months, I easily had about 2000 comments as him. But, fast forward six more months... at some point, Akito/Agito stopped being easy to spam with, and I was neglecting him most out of all four of my characters I had.

What went wrong? I didn't want to drop him before I knew why it had gotten so hard to rp him, and finally I figured it out.

Air Gear is a series where the majority of the action, the majority of all the chapters, involve the characters fighting with their high-tech rollerblades. With Akito/Agito the only Air Gear character at camp, that meant he had no one to fight with. And with no Air Treck battles, more and more, it felt like however I played him, it'd be OOC, because he SHOULD be fighting, not just randomly commenting at people.

So, why not do an Air Gear event, pass out rollerblades to other characters and go to town? That wouldn't really work either: Akito is cute and friendly, but he knows nothing about AT. Agito is one of the best AT riders there is, but he's an anti-social bastard. Literally in canon, in the times they're not fighting, he's on the roof of a building by himself while the rest of the team is training. Refusing to get involved with a bunch of pathetic weaklings. (Until it suits his purposes to train them or they prove they're somewhat competent later, at least.) Thus, an Air Gear event... wouldn't be the most easy thing to run with just Akito/Agito at camp.

Once I realized that, and realized that it was getting hard to rp him with characters he'd already MET, I dropped him. He's great fun though, hopefully another air gear fan will pick him up. :x
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