sick effs.

Apr 02, 2009 22:26

what the fuck is wrong with some people in this world??

upon logging into AOL to check my email, there was a headline of a woman being accused of drugging her daughter and 'bizzare' and 'pregnancy' were words incorporated with that headline. Girls now a days are having sex and a younger and younger age, so naturally, i was interested (especially in the drugs part. tehee. jk).

So the mother gave her daughter alcohol and drugs in hopes that the mom's boyfriend would rape her thus conceiving a baby that the mother and the boyfriend can have.

all i can say is

that lady is sick SICK. the girl is only THIRTEEN YEARS OLD. had she not thought about what would happen to her daughter?? no. probably not. people now a days are so self obsessed. They are sooo blindslightened and unaware of the fact that their choices can also effect the lives of those around them.


simply dispicable.....

On a lighter note, spring break startes next week.
yayy breakk!!! i miss italy sooooooo much its rediculous, I
can't believe that was only a month ago, it seems as if it were

crazy people

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