
Jan 26, 2009 18:15

I'm supposed to be studying for social studies right now, which, i have been, but reguardless of how many hours i've spent studying thus far, i feel like not a miligram( this is being exaggerated a bit) of information that is has been rendered useful to know for this exam has been retained in my mind. If only they had audiobooks for subjects. that would be grand, i could listen to a voice while reading it in my head! that sounds a little creepy though... haha. so yes, i will finish my procrastination involving the lovely internet/world wide web after writing these thoughts that have been floating through my mind.
1. It kinda boggles my mind (slightly repitiative, pardon me, =] that teachers don't all
exactly teach. They put notes on the board and then u copy them and take a test. OR they lecture endlessly for 40 minutes. For some teachers and subjects this works, others, it doesn't. thats just my opinion however. Also, it kinda gets me a little agrivated when teachers teach in subjects in which they are not specialized in. I know it would most likly mean an influx of teachers in these little schools, and, more funding/taxes will be needed in order to accomadate such matters, but still, don't teach something you're not fully prepared in and think you're hot shit.
Another thing that has been bothering me is teachers and they're grading. When you have a test/ quiz every 2 days and half the class is failing don't you think there's something wrong?? i mean, not everyone wants to stay after EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. to get help/review but wouldn't you consider slowing down the pace or a different form of teaching the material in hopes that you're class will learn it more efficiently??

2. This is a little wierd, lol, but i've always wondered if a celebrity/musician etc. of her personal liking (i'm talking apparence wise) went to your school or worked at an office would you think the same of them? i'm talking about before the fame. Everyone's always saying that he/she is 'soooo hott!!!' and i've always wondered if they're opinions would be the same if you knew more about they're life and they didn't have so much dough(i was gunna use money, but dough, haha cookie dough, pizza dough, 'GO GETCHUR DOUGH!' [who killed]the dough boy, the pilsbury dough boy. lol sorry, sorry)

3. Why the heck did they resechedule winter formal midterms week? i don't mean to sound like a self-obsorbent snobby girl type, but i am going to be stressing out SOO much this week aka i'll be eating a loadddd of food (this started today, and then i realized this and freaked, but i had at least 4 ritz crackers with cheese after coming to this conclusuion anyways, i got more freaked out, i ate more, this is nott good)and i have to be able to fit into my dress on friday... oh gee whiz!

I CANNOT wait 'till Italy. thats all i have to look foward to. but, unfortunatly after Italy comes SATS(eff, eff, effff!!) and after SATS comes finals and regents and more SATS and the works, but THEN comes the summer and no school and SWIM TEAM!!! yayyyyyy!! haha. so yeah, thats pretty much how the scheduling of the rest of the year for me is like. then of course you've gotta throw in some chaos and gossip and possible love interests, even though, that hasn't really been working out to well for me, ohh wells, 'all mah single lady's all mah single ladys!' haha shaw was humming this during a math test, ohh shaw!
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