Dec 02, 2005 19:40
Aspects of Christ Mass
Lately I have been researching different aspects of Christmas and all of it's "accessories." To find out where they all got their start, and if they all started out, well, pagan, or if they were adopted into the old Yule celebrations. So far here is what I've found:
The Candy Cane- Began as white sticks used to decorate Christmas trees in Europe, then used by a catholic choir master to keep children quiet during a live nativity. Here there is a bit of conflict as some sources say he was the one to make it curved, to represent the shepherds staff in the nativity. From there popularity grew by nativity usage, and was brought over here, to Ohio, by a German Swedish immigrant, then some guy named Bob began to locally produce candy canes in his Georgia town. The process is long and could not be done on a massive production level, so his brother or brother in law, depending on the source, who just happened to be a catholic priest, created a machine to allow such production. So we come to find that there is a "Christian" aspect to this whole candy story, by acknowledging that the Christians adopted the "Christmas" tree into their traditions, then used this sweet innocent little treat to decorate it. Oh, and add another point to the Catholics score for mixing worship!
The Christmas Tree- Oh how many stories and arguments come with this tradition. The only consecutive thing I've found regarding this, is that it originated in Germany. Also anything regarded as an evergreen, is considered to represent re-birth, or immortality because the evergreens stay green all winter. The hanging of wreaths and boughs of evergreen branches, is used in everything from roman to German traditions, from the Yule celebrations to the winter solstice. One "Christian" reference I found to the tree was called a Paradise tree, and was used in mystery plays throughout Europe. The only prop used in the play was a fir tree decorated with apples, then Eve would take one, eat of it, and give it to Adam. Hmm That means it represented the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which got Adam and Eve kicked out of the garden, why the hell would you put that in your house!? Lets think this through, if your "Jesus" was born way after the first fir trees were made, oh back at the dawn of creation, why would you use that to supposedly "celebrate" his birth? If he wanted you to use anything wouldn't it be something that also showed up when he did? And many say they use the tree, which is of wood, to remember the cross and all the sin placed upon him, well then why would you be putting it in your home at the time of the so called "celebration of Jesus' birth?" And why dress it up and make it pretty, "Jesus" died NAKED, beaten, bloody, and dirty. You want to try to justify your tree usage then first before you bring it into your home, beat it, cut off some of the branches, throw some red paint on it, and drag it through the mud. Lets not forget that the forbiddance of adorning this tree and bringing it into the home is in SCRIPTURE, the collection of words that Christianity is said to be founded from!
December 25th- We all know that this day is not the actual day of the messiahs birth, so why pick this day to celebrate it? Why not pick a day closer to his actual birth, or even the correct day of his birth which can and has been found through scripture and the calculations of the feasts? December 25th was not just some day that had no meaning that someone picked, it had and still has the same meaning, it comes from Rome. December 25th is the day of the celebration of the italic god, Saturn, and the re-birth of the sun god. For the story on these celebrations do some research, you'll be enlightened, or extremely pissed.
Holly- Witches and other pagans regarded the holly, being red, to represent the menstrual blood of the queen of heaven. Last I checked even in the "Christian" bible, the ones "made easier (to obey), I mean read" by man, there was no Queen of heaven.
Mistletoe- Aww... everyone who stands under the mistletoe kisses each other and blah blah blah. Know what it represents? Droplets of semen of the sun god. Still want to stand under it and kiss? You won't want to after you know what is supposed to happen when you stand under it. Both Holly and Mistletoe, Menstrual blood and semen, were hung in doorways to invoke the powers of fertility. When the two to kiss stood under them to do so, it caused the spirits of the god and goddess to enter into them. So, not only are you secretly okaying adulterous lust and the act of carrying it out by hanging this stuff up, you also freely invite the Queen of Heaven and the Sun God into your home, yourself, and your guests!
Now lets go to Jeremiah to get YHWH's view on this whole tree thing.
Jer 10:1 Hear the word which יהוה speaks to you, O house of Yisra’ĕl.
Jer 10:2 Thus said יהוה, “Do not learn the way of the gentiles, and do not be awed by the signs of the heavens, for the gentiles are awed by them.
Jer 10:3 “For the prescribed customs of these peoples are worthless, for one cuts a tree from the forest, work for the hands of a craftsman with a cutting tool.
Jer 10:4 “They adorn it with silver and gold, they fasten it with nails and hammers so that it does not topple.
Jer 10:5 “They are like a rounded post, and they do not speak. They have to be carried, because they do not walk. Do not be afraid of them, for they do no evil, nor is it in them to do any good.”
Okay first lets check the times, Jeremiah is in the old testament, before "Jesus'" birth. So already the gentiles were practicing some kind of celebration, with the use of trees, way before the messiah was born. Second, we are told this is worthless, and does no evil or any good. Now in reading this doesn't the word IDOL just pop right out at you? And hopefully I don't have to find scripture for you to tell you what YHWH thinks about idols. This passage should have been enough, you shouldn't need the history to finally admit that all these traditions are not pleasing or in any way of YHWH. How many nations were wiped out or punished because of idol worship for crying out loud? I thank YHWH that he opened my eyes to this, and I pray He will do the same for you. Unfortunately until YHWH provides another place of residence for me this crap will be going on in my home, because my parents own it. I will have no part in these decorations, or in the tree. And I'm thankful that my family at least celebrates it as the gentiles did, they don't tie in my Messiah with all of it. They do however give me gifts and expect them in return, which as of now, I have no real way around without starting a huge feud, so that is in YHWH's hands. I by no means am claiming to know all about Christmas, Christianity or anything else, but I do know the truth as I have explained to you today. Some of the information on these accessories may be false or vary, as I don't know the people who made this information available or how they came to know it. But I do know that everything I've discussed here has no part with the creator or the messiah. I know what is and is not commanded concerning this issue as given above, and that no where in scripture are we even commanded to celebrate the birth of the messiah!
Any of you who claim that Christ Mass has Christian origins, you are correct. Research it, find out what started where, and how it became part of the Christian celebration, and who made it a part of that celebration. For those of you who now want to yell and argue with me, don't waste your time or mine, I didn't make this up, or write the scripture in Jeremiah. Just go ahead and ignore everything you just read, celebrate the way you usually do, and celebrate your Lord's birth as I did for 17 years, cause something was born on that day, it just wasn't Yahshua.
If I come across arrogant or prideful please forgive me, it is neither of the two, but disgust and shock. Too many churches all over the world have already erected their fir idols in their sanctuaries, where they claim to worship the one true creator. The one who gave them the scripture that they simply overlook and ignore. I've attended two of those churches, and work in one now. Where they teach the children the pagan customs, in their "holy sanctuary." My parents were taught the customs, as was I, and I thank YHWH that my children will be spared it.