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My notes.
Dec 09, 2023 00:28
apache httpd: how ServerName and ServerAlias matching works?
qemu networking done right (qemu bridging with nfsroot).
futex and userspace thread syncronization (gnu/linux glibc/nptl) analysis.
Some notes on mysql-5.5.35 auth mechanism.
A glimpse at gcc-4.8.2/libitm - Intel Transactional Memory (ITM) Implementation.
How C++ exception handling (EH) works. With focus on type matching. (g++-4.8.2)
what does `git fetch` explicitly?
Just some unorganized notes on screen blanking.
qemu tap networking quick and dirty
Thoughts on xmpp muc history handling.
va_arg on amd64
Disassembly/analysis of internal workings of a simple C program: stack and basic asm structures
Praying to deaf ears.
(notes on some unix commands)
about GNUEmacs and X Clipboards
Что выведет `$ ssh -v localhost sh -c 'echo foo'`? (on binding dollar variables, and bash fork()ing and re-execve()ing)
a = a++
on procps-ng
"bash: $'\321\202\320\265\321\201\321\202': command not found" multibyte workaround
awk 101
Установка и настройка [пакетного менеджера] paludis [в Gentoo]
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