(no subject)

Jul 10, 2005 23:12

cross posted.


pb & banana sandwich
1/2 cup orange juice

F*ck me. The rest of the day did not go well, foodwise. The afternoon/early evening was purgey........

.....and then I went out for supper with friends, and panicked under the combination people-and-food pressure, so I had only a side salad and water. I want to cry.
More throwing up when i got home.

F*ck me some more. I ought to be shot. Pathetic.

My head is full of thoughts of losing and not fighting this fucker off anymore.

I know I'm tired from the weekend of badness.
Frustrated with and scared of myself, and of this disorder's grip.
It's late, and I haven't got any fight in me right now----but some sleep should replenish the inner bulldog, right?

Mantra for the night:
Sleep is my job for the rest of tonight.
Tomorrow is a new chance to start the fight again.
Tomorrow I will wake up with new resolve.

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