Torchwood: Episode Tag

Mar 01, 2009 20:15

Death Note by Smirnoffmule
Episode tag to "Exit Wounds," in which Ianto ponders the nature of death, what he misses about his two friends, and what he might put in a death note of his own. It's an absolutely gorgeous story: insightful, meditative, and funny at times, with poetic language and imagery that bring Ianto's interior monologue to life.

The Art and Science of Forgiveness by Genagirl
The author warns in advance that "Jack isn't as nice as you might think he is" in this story, which fills a gap in time between Lisa's death and Ianto's return to the Hub. "Isn't as nice" doesn't even begin to cover the out-of-character behavior here - not only does Jack lock Ianto away in the vaults for two days, leaving him to suffer, the other characters, including compassionate Gwen, let him.

This is not the Jack Harkness I know: Jack Harkness watched [Ianto] go, relief washing through him like cold water. He had broken Ianto, shattered that indomitable spirit, deconstructed his psyche, knocked away his confidence and torn his heart to shreds. Now he could rebuild him, mold him and shape him into the form he needed and wanted. I was appalled.

Waltzing the Bruise, the Mechanism Unspools by kayliemalinza
Kayliemalinza imagines four dates for Jack and Ianto, one after each of the first four episodes of Series Two. It's a lovely story full of vivid descriptions and metaphors, as well as character notes that make this feel like Jack and Ianto instead of two random men who happen to be dating. The second section, in which Ianto discusses additions to his List of Grievances and Concerns, was my favorite part.

Symphony Eroica, Accompanied by the Shipwrecked by Antelope_writes
After "Adrift," Ianto takes Gwen to a bird sanctuary, where a story about a turkey vulture sparks a discussion about Jack, his history, and his emotional bonds to Ianto and Gwen. This is the sort of plot device that can end up feeling forced and hamhanded, but that's not the case here: the conversation between Gwen and Ianto flows naturally, as it would with close friends. Frankly, I liked this story more than "Adrift" itself.

Movie Night by Jadesfire2808
The title of this story made me dubious - I don't usually like the "movie night" trope in fic - but this was a different take on it, where Tosh and Ianto watch old Torchwood footage to make sure nothing else will come creeping out of it, as it did in "From Out of the Rain." What does come creeping out is something more bittersweet, when Jack appears in a forty-year-old video with his arm around another man, and Tosh notices Ianto's reaction. Even though I don't think this story is as strong as some of the others in this category, it's still good work and worth reading.

But One Man Loved the Pilgrim Soul in You by Lanna Michaels
I'm not really sure why this story is in the Episode Tag category, since it seems to take place during "Fragments." Told as a series of vignettes, the story follows Ianto's Torchwood career, beginning with the aftermath of Canary Wharf. The Ianto and Jack characterizations seemed overly cynical and a little heartless to me at first, but they both soften after the Series One vignettes end, and it was interesting to see how the author made this alternate take on the characters believable.

Overall: An almost completely solid list of stories to choose from, but I'm going with Death Note.
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