
Mar 01, 2009 20:05

Precious Little Space Dumplings of Love by Call Me Puffendorf (shaggydogtail)

AU from "Last of the Time Lords" in which the Master is the Doctor's prisoner, the Doctor has conjured a set of psychic cufflinks (oooh-er!) to keep the Master close by, hijinks ensue.  This is the perfect way to open the Doctor/Master category -- laugh-out-loud funny in parts, unspeakably witty in others, and everything is spelled properly.  I read it, then I read it again, then I rushed over to write this review.  Yes, I am gushing.

Mind Games by Seal_girl

The Doctor travels back in time to the point when the Master is completing his paradox machine.  They have sex.  I have several problems with this fic.

Firstly, "timewar" and "timelord".  Should be. Two. Separate. Words.  (Okay, four separate words.)  I mean, "Last of the Time Lords" - it was right there in the opening titles!

More subjectively, I found the writing rather simplistic for such a complex story.  Lots of exposition, and lots of sentences ending with exclamation marks!  It was a bit like reading porn written by C. S. Lewis!  It was very jarring!  Exclamation marks should be used sparingly, and rarely (if ever) in narrative!

Finally, and most subjectively, I found it impossible to believe that the Doctor could behold the paradox machine, this perversion of his oldest and dearest companion, and then turn around and have sex with the man who perpetrated that obscenity.

On the other hand, I have to give points to the author for writing a sub!Master, which is something we don't see nearly often enough.  It doesn't compensate for the other problems, but I always appreciate a bit of fanon defiance.

The Space Between Opposites by savagestime

As the link on the Children of Time site leads to a locked LJ entry, this fic won't be reviewed.

Well, that was an unexpectedly short category!  But my vote, of course, will go to " Precious Little Space Dumplings of Love".  How could it not?  DUMPLINGS!
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