Challenge 01 Results!

May 01, 2011 23:52

Results for Challenge 01 are under the cut-thank you to everyone who voted. As always it is difficult to eliminate anyone.

If you want the comments to your icon, reply to this post with the number of your icon and I will give it to you via a screened comment. Information for Challenge 02 will be posted shortly.

Note: If you were eliminated please continue to take part in the community with voting and keep your eyes out for the comeback challenge.


wunderkind_lucy with 14 votes

xoxoknlove with 6 votes

elifc with 6 votes

Please stick around to help with voting & keep your eyes out for the comeback challenge.


beeej with 11 votes banner

dudette_in_town with 4 votes banner

MOD's Choice

kolibrichen banner

visionsbeyond banner

Voting Tally (the number on the left is the total negative votes received while the number on the right is the number of positive. The number in parenthesis is the final tally.)
01. -6/0 (-6)
02. -1/1 (0)
03. 0/2 (2)
04. -3/2 (-1)
05. -4/2 (-2)
06. 0/2 (2)
07. -3/1 (-2)
08. -3/3 (0)
09. 0/4 (4)
10. -4/0 (-4)
11. 0/11 (11)
12. -6/2 (-4)
13. -7/1 (-6)
14. 0/0 (0)
15. -13/0 (-13)
16. -2/2 (0)

#round 05, results

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