Mod Post: Voting & Skips!

Apr 29, 2011 19:22

Just touching base before voting goes up later tonight regarding voting and skips.

Voting is a requirement in order to win Community Choice or Mod's Choice. You have to vote in Challenge 1, and so forth in order to place. This isn't meant to punish anyone-voting in any icontest is important and more so in a LIMS. If you know ahead of time that you cannot vote (will be away on holiday, etc.) just let me know and I'll wave it.

Additionally there will be a much more rigorous requirement with regards left when voting. One reason is due to the fact that leaving a comment such as, "oversharpened" doesn't help the icon maker at all and computer monitors each show an icon differently. Where it might be blurry to you or oversharpened, on another person's the icon is just fine. In this case we want to know where is it oversharpened, on the left of the face, etc? So don't be offended if I ask you to rewrite your vote. If you don't correct your vote by the deadline I'm sorry, but it will be disqualified.

I highly recommend you use your skip(s) when you can't enter a challenge because of computer problems, going on holiday, internet problems, etc. Skips are not meant to be used to chicken out of a challenge you don't want to enter because you don't like the subject matter or because you are worried you won't make it pass a challenge. I don't require a reason for your skip, but I want to make sure you are aware that once a skip is used you can't use it again if you don't have any more skips left. If by a chance you get disqualified for not submitting (because you used all your skips), you will not be able to participate in the comeback challenge. I'm always more than happy to work around the due date (extend it by a day or two if need be) if you notify me ahead of time.

&mod post

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