Challenge 06 Voting!

Oct 16, 2010 17:39

A HUGE thank to you to our participants-I know it was a tough challenge and I appreciate you taking up the challenge. Voting for Challenge 06 is under the cut.

Please read the voting instructions before you vote. You must vote in order to win People's or Mod's Choice. Those of you who have been eliminated-it is highly recommended you vote as well especially if you plan to take part in the comeback challenge.

Good luck!

Voting rules:
1. Vote in a comment to this post-all comments are screened.
2. Vote for ONE (1) lesser quality icon and ONE (1) favorite icon.
3. Reasons must be given for all votes and must be based on the quality of the icon, not on personal taste.
Good Example: Though the crop is beautiful, the coloring is very dark and sharp.
Bad examples: "I don't like the font." "Oversharpened" etc. Here's a handy voting guide.
4. Don't vote for yourself or get people to vote for you! You will be disqualified if you do.
5. You can post your icons after results are announced.
6. Comments will be available after the voting period is over in a screened comment for anyone who wants them.
7. Voting ends on Monday, October 18 at 4 PM EST

You can copy the text area and paste it to your comment.

Lesser icon:
number - reason

Favorite icon:
number - reason






Voters: Participants were asked to create an icon with funny text. When voting keep this mind, but also take into account the entire composite of the icon plus the text.

#round 04, voting

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