So January is going to be fucking amazing. Why? Because Joe is an improv slut and the more he gets the better.
January 8: Self Improv-ment at
Improv Boston 7pm only $5
We have a jazzy new website I have made which you should check out. January 11 Improv Jones Boston first meeting.
January 15: Groovy Tie Squad at Improv Boston 7pm only $5 It is kind of a crappy site but quite fun.
January 28 4am to January 29 4am: 24 hour comedy marathon featuring Liquid Fun, Groovy Tie Squad, Self Improv-ment and others. Come and be able to say "I watched 24 hour consecutive hours of comedy. This makes me cooler than you." Unless of course the person next to you also stayed the whole time then you have equal coolness. is Liquid Fun's website. We are hosting this event.
Mark Duhaime will be returning to Groovy Tie Squad for atleast one of their shows. Which excites me because I love working with Mark Duhaime ever so much. Definitely one of my favorite improvisers.
In February Liquid fun will tentatively be part of ImprovBoston's College Comedy Beanpot and have its own show here on campus.
February or March is probably when Improv Jones Boston will be starting to have shows I guess.
It's a good thing I love improv. Cause I have a lot of it in my future.
Wandering Minds is doing Pride and Prejudice and Flowers for Algernon next semester. I am excited.