I have not updated in forever. This is partly because I'm boring and mostly because I'm lazy.
I've finished my part of this round of egg donation last Monday. They had to pump me full of extra knock out drugs for the retrieval because I kicked the doctor in the head. I was pretty proud of that one. I'm a ninja even when I'm drugged!
They did the implanting last Friday so now we've got another few days to a week to find out if it worked. They got enough successful embryos this time to freeze two so we do get another try after this if we need, but here's hoping they aren't needed.
Robin Hood opened last night and I'm glad to be done working on that. I don't know if I'll be working on the next show (The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe). I had a pretty severe falling out with a couple of the costuming women and I won't be working on the next crew if they are. After having to listen through their lovely little chat about the Miss California debaucle and the gays shouldn't get married and "I have relatives who are homosexual and they're not evil but I don't think they should be able to marry" I removed myself from the situation before I removed some faces. I didn't think I'd be able to keep my cool in a face to face discussion about it so I wrote them a lovely little letter. I haven't heard anything about it, so I'm guessing they've written me off as a crazy liberal and are just as happy to not have me around spreading teh ghey to their poor little babies. If they wanted to talk about it I think I've finally cooled off enouh to do so, but I don't really see that happening.
I'm rewarding myself for finishing all that sewing for the show with... wait for it... MORE SEWING!! I'm making myself this super cute dress:
http://www.butterick.com/item/B4790.htm?search=1952&page=1 I think it'll go well with this really adorable hat that Dianne gave me, so I'm probably going to do it in red with white trim. I also really love the look of the black and white version. I think it looks really classy so I might get some nicer fabric and do myself a fancier version.
I've started putting digital copies of books on my thumb drive to read in the down time at work. I've read the whole Twilight series, all eight of the Sookie Stackhouse books that are out so far, and I've started in on the Dresden Files. I'm skipping the first one because I've read it a couple of times and remember it well enough. If anyone has recommendations for stuff that I can put on a thumb drive to read I'd love to hear them.